Ask the Expert – Coping with Colic

The most important things are to keep a log of episodes, stay as calm as possible (we know this is hard) and to introduce a soothing and calming routine for your little one when their symptoms are at their worst.
Did you know that on average, a colicky baby inconsolably cries for 3 hours every day? This constant crying and seeing your infant distressed can be heartbreaking and isolating for any parent. With countless sleepless nights, and no clear answers, over half of parents say colic leaves them feeling helpless. Colief is here to help if your baby is suffering with lactose-related colic.
Temporary lactose intolerance is common in many babies as their digestive systems develop. Topping up a baby’s lactase levels is a good first step to tackling the symptoms naturally, as it’s the most commonly prescribed treatment for colicky symptoms and is widely recommended by health visitors. Colief Infant Drops is a natural product which pharmacists recommend to new parents to test for temporary lactose intolerance. It works by breaking down the lactose in baby’s milk (breast or bottle).
Dr Cooper advises “topping up your colicky baby’s lactase levels is a sensible first step to tackling the symptoms of colic naturally. Although all babies are different, and not every case of colic is caused by temporary lactose intolerance, you could try a one-week trial of Colief Infant Drops to help diagnose whether sensitivity to lactose could be the problem.”
Dr. Cooper’s top tips for dealing with colic include:
- Although it is extremely distressing, the most important thing to remember if your baby is affected by colic is to remain calm.
- Introduce a soothing routine around the time of the day when your baby’s colic is usually at its worst, this is typically in the evenings.
- Keep a log of the times when your baby’s colic is at its worst – you may be able to find a pattern associated with any triggers, allowing you to understand better how to ease the symptoms.
- Try a one-week trial of Colief Infant Drops to help diagnose whether sensitivity to lactose could be the problem. You could relieve the symptoms within a few days and be able to enjoy this special time with your newborn.