Colds & Sniffles

Wrap up warm when out and about
The saying is that children and babies need one extra layer of clothing than you do when bracing the great outdoors. Babies in particular, are prone to losing heat through their heads, so hats are a necessity when stepping outside for a walk, when on the school run or on a day out.
For babies, as well as their coat and warm clothing underneath, in these extremely low temperatures, it is advisable to also wrap in a blanket.
A good night’s sleep
Making sure you and your family get a good night’s rest is paramount to avoiding the germs and lurgies at this time of the year. You should aim for eight hours per night for both adults and children aged fourteen upwards. Children aged one to thirteen need anywhere between nine and fourteen hours sleep per night to feel fully rested, and if you or anyone in the family is feeling unwell, this should increase.
Eat your greens
Eating a healthy, balanced diet packed with fresh fruit and vegetables will help to boost the immune systems of your whole family. Have a fussy eater? There are tons of ways of getting extra vitamins and minerals into your child’s diet without them suspecting; grate carrot and celery into pasta sauces, make a fun fruit and yoghurt smoothie with a secret addition of spinach or bake cakes with banana, carrot or courgette as the main ingredient.
If it’s too late and the dreaded cold has hit your little one, there are a few things you can do to alleviate the symptoms until it has passed.
- Extra cuddles – feeling under the weather can make toddlers and infants extra clingy. A little hug and a kiss from mummy, daddy or a grandparent can be a real comfort.
- Make sure your child doesn’t become dehydrated by offering plenty of water
- To ease a blocked nose and the discomfort felt when your child has a cold, attach a calming Colief® Breathe Easy Patch to their clothing or bedding to offer a gentle and soothing decongestant, which uses eucalyptus oil. It is a natural remedy, relieving blocked or runny noses. These are suitable for children aged three and over.