ParentsWorld Featured Interview: Expert Insight on Lactose Intolerance in Kids

Lactose Intolerance affects a sizeable number of the world population – both adults and children. Asians, in particular are genetically lactose intolerant as they lack the lactase enzyme required to digest lactose. We quizzed Dr. James Huang, Consultant, Division of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Nutrition, Hepatology and Liver Transplantation, Department of Paediatrics, Khoo Teck Puat – National University Children’s Medical Institute, National University Hospital on the subject of lactose intolerance in children. Read Dr. Huang’s insightful answers below: What is lactose intolerance? Dr. Huang: Lactose intolerance is a form of carbohydrate intolerance. It refers to the inability to digest lactose, a sugar or carbohydrate found...
Child Behaviour Q&As

Child Behaviour: Tricky Behaviour In Little Ones Maggie Redshaw Question: My two-year-old is being really difficult at the moment especially when we are out. Are temper tantrums a normal part of every child’s development? Answer: As you probably already know, ‘temper tantrums’ are an emotional response and a way of expressing feelings. Hunger or tiredness may make a child more likely to behave in this way, but don’t worry, you’re not alone in this – very few children do not at some time express themselves in this way. I’m sure this is a really tough time for you and hope things...
Feeding: Baby & Toddler Nutrition Q&As

Feeding: Baby & Toddler Nutrition Judy More I currently bottle feed my baby girl who is 10 months old. When should I switch to cows’ milk instead of formula? Do I need to use follow-on formulas or can I just go straight to cows’ milk? Generally, when children get to about a year old, you can switch to cows’ milk for them to drink. Children under 2 years old need full-fat cows’ milk for the extra vitamin A. From about two years old onwards if children are growing and eating well they can have semi-skimmed milk but changing is not...
Child Development Q&As

Child Development Maggie Redshaw Question: My baby doesn’t seem to like tummy time but my health visitor told me it is important for his development. My friends’ babies seem to like it – what am I doing wrong and what can I do to make him enjoy it more? Answer: You’re not doing anything wrong; it’s true that some babies just aren’t that fond of lying on their tummy. However, it is important to encourage it. Lying on the tummy with a toy you have placed just within reach will encourage whole-body movements and reaching and grasping activities and it will help...
Newborn Q&As

Newborn: The Early Days Dawn Kelly Question: This probably sounds irrational, but I keep worrying that my baby will just stop breathing in the night. My husband is getting annoyed and tells me to relax but sometimes I just can’t sleep and stay awake just checking I can hear his breathing. How can I calm down? Answer: You would be surprised how common a worry this is especially for first-time parents. Keep in mind that all babies have somewhat irregular breathing in their first weeks of life. Your baby may seem to stop breathing for long periods, but almost always those pauses...